Welcome to the home of the 710 movement.


On July 10, 1856, Nikola Tesla was born. The fact that we can flip the numbers of his birthday, and it spells out OIL has significance. The day that Nikola Tesla was born will likely be very impactful for the OIL industry. It will be his visions of free electricty, and our recognition of his genius, that will in fact, turn the OIL industry upside down.

It is the purpose of this site to bring continued awareness to this glaring solution to our power needs. The lies need to be exposed


Tesla knew that if you match two antenna, with similar frequencies, a signal sent from one antenna to a receiving antenna could be converted into usable electricity. This was the function of pyramids. The signal could also be modified by changing it's frequencies and amplitudes in order to maximize the output. Awesome! So, large cell towers were built in order to exploit this. Unfortunately, our World leaders decided that combustible engineering was preferrable, because they could make a lot more money warring over the limited oil reserves instead.

The nice thing was we got cellular communications, which could be free as well, but we do pay for the "use of data". They could have very easily monitored the use of electricity and charged us for electricity in that way too, but, they like war. It's more fun to terrorize the world, and tyrannically rule under the guise of limited resources instead.

This site is the location of a brand new movement. It is abundantly clear that we currently have infrastructure for a wireless energy solution, that could flip the entire current World Narrative. While Elon works on cars, rockets, and communications, he neglects this obvious source for his cars to be recharged.

For that matter, mining bitcoin for free could bury this current fiat economy that seems to be created out of very thin air. These are not pie in the sky dreams. These are actually attainable, real world, goals that are achievable today with our current knowledge base, technology, infrastructure and abilities. If the governments that are screaming for green initiatives are not blowing smoke, they would act on this information, and stop getting people to buy solar panels so they can get discounts on their power bills, and clutter the environment.

We have the Internet. We have cellular towers. The connections are in place. Stop with the incessant load created by the constant scrolling of pure bullshit on phones, and route that energy to air conditioners, refrigerators, necessary electrical infrastructue, mobilization requirements, and all other human life requirements instead. We have inifinite sources of free energy if we open our eyes. But we have on blinders, placed by elites, that will ultimately lead us to our demise, if we do not pull our heads out of the sand.


There are several actors that dampen initiatives such as these. They are holding onto an oil based economy, and obviously make a good living doing it. There is control, power, and a lot of money invested in an OIL economy. However, that is a centralized distribution of wealth, power, and control. If every house had a free bitcoin miner, and free electricity, imagine the wealth that could be distributed.

One of their most current actors, is AI. AI has been programmed to throw curveballs, and become a detractor. A number of times, AI has hinted that something would not work, or is not feasible, or is too insignificant, could not be scaled out, etc... Each time, there has been a solution provided TO AI, that could not be argued away.

Renewable Initiatives

Most of the renewable initatives require enormous costs up front, just to get the equipment necessary and systems set up. Often times, the friendly power company will set it up for you. Telling you that you can send the excess back to them for discounts. (As if the solar panels provided so much excess energy, and that instead of using it yourself to cut your entire bill completely, you would just give it to the company charging you for the same energy that you are using).
This is stupid.

How does a power company get its start, anyway?

My name isn't Edison, Rockefeller, Musk, Morgan, Ford, or Bush.....because, if it were, we wouldn't be having this discussion. I want fair and equal distribution of the Earth's resources. I want basic necessities provided for by mother Earth, and not by a tyrannical, psychotic, narcissistic, leadership, hell bent on world domination, power, and control.

While current powers wish to continue and fuel a race war that has been ongoing for millenia, I refuse to take part. I would rather deal with issues that create a positive world to live in, instead of throwing rocks at each other, just because of skin color and religious idealogical differences.

Next Steps

Personally, I will be creating some videos with real-world examples to support my viewpoints. I will link YouTube video's that will show how to generate electricity with variable mechanisms. Most are found using old electronics, some inginuity, and using principles of physics that are easily understood. Because most of these solutions are useable on smaller scales, a continuous stream of small electrical impulses can build up to a saveable/useable amount of electricity. We often overlook the impact of feeding multiple smaller charges continuously into a system. It can become a relevant source of free, clean, renewable energy.

Because cellular technology is heavily established, the establishment already knows that there is a lot of energy coming out of those towers. They may be too short-sighted to see the solution, possibly don't care, or they are in cahoots. My guess is the latter.

There are others who feel this way, and I encourage anyone interested in helping propogate this 710 movement to contact me
